Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

The Anguished Man

Can a painting be the cause of paranormal activity? One of the best known cases for this involves a painting called 'The Anguished Man'.
Sean Robinson, a young boy from Cumbria, first noticed a rather odd looking oil painting at his Grandma's house hiding away out of sight from everything and everyone. For some reason Sean felt drawn to it, and would spend a fair amount of time alone with it. Time passed -and unfortunately Grandma passed away, leaving the painting to Sean.
By now Sean had a a family of his own, although Sean tried all he could to get his wife to agree to having the picture hanging in the house - it was said that it made the family members, in particular his wife uncomfortable. The picture was left in the basement, hidden away and mostly forgotten about for many years to come.
We fast forward to just a few years ago now, Sean was once again being 'called' to picture. somehow Sean convinced his wife to let him hang the picture in the spare-room, but this turned out to be his biggest mistake!
Within the space of a few days, Sean and his family was experiencing paranormal activity firsthand. Doors unexplainably opening on their own accord, bangs and crashes from the other rooms in the house, crying seemingly coming from around them. But most frightening of all came the nightmares, Sean would often wake at night claiming a horrific figure - not unlike the character in the painting  had been watching them from the bottom of the bed!
One night his son was pushed from the top of the stairs by an unseen hand - thankfully he managed to steady himself, before he came crashing to the ground below.
"Sean decided to look into the origins of the painting."
It was only then that he discovered that the unknown artist had mysteriously killed himself after painting the picture - but not before mixing his blood with the paints to create the terrifying picture you see here. Local Ghost Investigators were called in to hopefully understand just what was going on around the house.
To this day, the picture still remains a mystery, and paranormal activity still occasionally plagues the house. Sean still feels drawn to the painting, and incredibly its still in the house!? (although.. back in the basement) - Sean recently left the painting with cameras filming it overnight.. Here's the footage:

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